Sunday, December 1, 2013

Air Quotes=More Awkward Moments In Mythology

SO after experiencing different people in different situations react practically the same way to me putting air quotes around random words during various conversations, I have decided that air quotes create a somewhat scandalous or sarcastic meaning behind the quoted subject. Basically hints at the idea that you are not really meaning exactly what you say, but maybe something more? If you are familiar with the person you are talking to with the quotes, then it is sometimes easy to interpret, but to a complete stranger you might as well be asking for something inappropriate!

"...what life had been waiting for: intoxication"

In our culture today it is almost a rite of passage to turn the age 21 and become old enough to legally purchase and drink alcohol. Of course this doesn't stop most underage boys and girls from slipping out their windows at night in order to go get drunk. Then of course when you go to college it becomes much more of an expectation to drink, get drunk, and have a good time; no matter your age. In Greek mythology Dionysus uses this intoxicating liquid to overpower women that were just beyond his reach. To put it bluntly, this god tricked these women into drinking wine then raped them after they passed out...
     "No other god, let alone Athena with here sober olive, or Demeter with her nourishing bread, had ever had anything that could vie with that liquor. It is exactly what had been missing from life, what life had been waiting for: intoxication."- Pg. 36                              
                Does it sound like a college experience about to turn bad yet??                

Displaced Myth

There was this young guy, Jake. He was extremely athletic and probably could have been at the top of his class. After graduation, he decided to go on a road trip with his friends around the country. While driving through Ohio one night, they decided to stop in a small town for the night and have a few drinks, for the driving cramped their bodies and made them restless. They had a few drinks at the local bar and started conversing with some of the locals. Jake listened to a story of an old abandoned theater that had been known to be haunted, and was only a couple miles away. Eager for an adventure, Jake gathered his companions and sped off towards this old theater. As soon as they arrived, they saw the NO TRESPASSING sign and felt a rush of excitement. The crew quickly slipped through a hole in the fence and proceeded into the run down building. Shortly after the last adventured wandered into the shadows, a police cruiser arrived with his spotlight scanning the property. Seeing their vehicle parked outside the fence, the officer grabbed his flash light and went looking for the gang.
Jake looked around as he walked through the dark corridor, noticing ghostly shadows and eerie props. Remnants of the drama company that worked on this stage. He soon noticed the police officers flashlight scanning around inside the building, and began to think fast. He threw a piece of debris towards the stage to catch the officers attention and allow him to lead his friends away. Jake then waited for the officer to reach the stage, and dropped the heavy dusty curtain onto the officer and ran towards the door. The officer hollered stop and freeze and whatnot but it didnt matter. Jake turned before he closed the door and yelled back "Nobody you will ever catch!".